What is a 24mm Lens Good for?

Many will tell you that 24mm is their favourite, regardless if they are using it for video or for still photography. The reasons they give we will now outline, because every single point they make will answer the title of this post.

  1. It allows a wide shot with minimal distortion - If you want to keep the scene looking as realistic as possible, whilst fitting as much as you can of the surroundings, this is the first lens you should pack. Sure you can go wider (say 14mm), or even fish-eye if you so desire, but at those focal lengths, the distortion starts to kick in, effecting both the subject and the background. Unless you have a specific reason for that look, stick to 24mm.
  2. Perfect for landscapes - Because of the wide field of view, if you wake up in the morning and desire to shoot mountains, the beach or forests, just pack this one lens and you will be completely fine.
  3. Establishing shots - If you are creating videos or short films, the establishing shot is often a wide one to communicate the environment and surroundings to the viewers. Without having to go crazy wide, once again, this length will do the job nicely.
  4. Event Photography - If you are invited to photograph a concert, speech, sporting event - this is the lens you should pack to give the impression of just how great the event is. Shooting wide at 24mm is the best place to start, and if needed, you can get nice and close to a specific subject, but also allow you to get the subject and the background in to give a bit of context.